Robot Raconteur Project


Robot Raconteur (RR) is a communication library for robotic systems. This project aims to develop Robot Raconteur services for different hardware components and integrate them together as a plug-and-play system.

The project testbed consists of UR5, Sawyer and ABB1200, with a webcam and kinect azure sensor. All three robots work at the same time to fill in a box with items on the conveyor belt.

Project Details

Robot Raconteur services is exposed over the local network, such that any node could talk to each other with correct RR definitions. Overhead cameras is running object detection and tells everyone where the objects are. A centralized path planner collects all robot joints data to guide the robot motion in real time with collision avoidance

Robot services are configured as modular component in the system, and different robots with a standard RR robot definition could simply roll in, calibrate and perform the same task.